Tuesday, June 26, 2012

What aspects of teaching are going better than you anticipated?

Some aspects of teaching can be nature for first time teachers. Perhaps you are good at moderating a discussion, preparing quizzes, or finding materials. What do you think has been easy for you? What materials can you share with others to assist them in doing this better? Please describe or submit copies to Dr. R and she will post them.

Friday, June 22, 2012

What is your biggest challenge right now?

Challenges can come in all forms: unruly students, difficulty in lesson planning, finding interesting or authentic materials, and/or working in a new/strange environment. What is your greatest challenge right now? What steps have you taken to overcome it? What would you like to know to help you?

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Planning Strategies

Please tell us about your planning process. What do you do and how does it work for you? Are you an over-planner or an under-planner? Do you have a resource that really helps in your lesson planning? What format of lesson plans do you use?

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Lesson Delivery 1: Planning to Delivery

How do your lessons go in comparison to how you plan them? Do you follow the lesson plan closely or follow the "teachable moment?"

Monday, June 18, 2012

Lesson Delivery 2: Classroom Tools, Supplies and Materials

What classroom tools, supplies and materials are you using regularly? Which ones do you have? Which do you wish you had? Why? Have you designed or developed any you would like to share? If so, please send a copy to Dr. R.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Lesson Delivery 3: Your Teaching Method

What is the dominant teaching method that you are employing? How has the cultural, educational and program environment impacted your instructional choices?

What do you like about your teaching right now? What do you want to change?

What are some of the activities that you have conducted with your students? How did they go? What would you change?

What are some of the strategies that you are learning through this Practicum?

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Lesson Delivery 4: Theories and Reflection

What theories are currently informing your instructional choices? Are you reflecting on your classes' successes and failures? Are you thinking about how they explain or dismiss some of the theories you learned?

How reflective are you?

Friday, June 15, 2012

Lesson Delivery 5: Assessment and Grading

What are you doing for initial placement in your program and classroom? Are you doing any needs analysis/assessment? If so, what? Can you share a resource or strategy?

What assessments are you using on a regular basis? What do they look like? Why did you choose this type? If you have any resources to share, please email them to Dr. R as an attachment.

What standardized testing is occurring in that environment? How are you using the results of the standardized tests in your classes?

Are you doing any performance assessments? If so, what?

Have you employed a rubric for grading? If so, which? Please share by emailing them to Dr. R as an attachment.

What are your challenges in grading? What have you discovered about grading? Do you think you are always fair in your grading or do you wish to be better?

Thursday, June 14, 2012

TELL ALL: Your Funny, Outrageous, Tragic, Amazing or Unbelieveable Stories and Experiences!

Please share with us your teaching anecdotes and what you learned from them.